Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ecstatic Eclairs

Well, we have 34 minutes left inthe day of August 30th! Here we go with the bkaing entry for this month.

Thankfully, we did an easier recipe this month with Chocolate Eclairs. (Something that I love to eat!!!) So I took this endeavor on myself with no assistants and it was a successful challenge. The dough was simple to make, the destructions easy to follow and the end result was shared with many as I was leaving for the Portland trip the very next day. Please forgive the photo, as it is not what I would call exactly a photogenic resemblance of the tasty end result. All who partook drooled and begged for a redo on this culinary escapade:)

So, if I don't see you before, I'll see you all in a month! Happy Labor Day!


Cristine said...

I'll be making these again, too! Great job!

Cynthia's Blog said...

I am impressed you parted with them and let them go to work with your husband! I was pretty stingy. Good job.

Chibog in Chief said...

they are lovely!! great work for this month's challenge!! yum

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a successful challenge! They look great :)

Chou said...

I loved that they were easy, perfect for August.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys..
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